How to Upload your Course on Selar
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You will learn how to upload digital products to Selar platform in this piece. No matter if it’s an eBook, a video course, a ticket, a subscription service, or even a real product, Selar is a good website to host and sell digital products.

It’s important that you already have a account before we move on. If you haven’t made one yet, I’ll also include a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for Selar and how to upload your digital products to the Selar website.

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Selar is a host website for digital marketing that is done online. In other words, Selar is a website where business owners can post their goods if they don’t have a personal or branded website. Selar is a lot like Amazon, except that people use it to buy digital items like courses, ebooks, and other digital goods.

how to earn on selar

How To Create A Selar Account

Setting up an account on Selar is very easy. Just follow the steps below to get started right away;


Use your web browser to go to

Click “start selling with Selar” to get started.

Fill out the form below with the right information about yourself.

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Click “create account” after you’ve filled out the form. You can skip this step if you sign up with one of your social media accounts or your Gmail account, as the Selar signup form lets you do.

You’ve just finished the first step of uploading your digital goods to Selar, so congrats! Make sure to fill out the form with the same names and information that your local bank has on file, so that you don’t have trouble getting paid.

How to Add Digital Products to

Follow the steps below to upload your digital goods to Selar. Also, make sure you’ve made your personal Selar account or profile by following the steps above.

Sign in to your Selar homepage or account.

Click on the “Add product” button in purple.

On the next page, choose the type of digital or physical goods you want to upload to Selar. Click on “digital product” if you want to sell an eBook. Choose “physical products” if you want to sell something that can be shipped to customers. And the same goes for the rest of the choices.

Note that only Selar users who have upgraded their accounts can use the “pro” and “turbo” choices. When a user upgrades in Selar, they get more band space so they can share files that are bigger than 150 mb.

Selar gives free users 150 MB of space. If you use more than that, you can’t post anything else. The change to Selar costs $20 per month, or N8000 per month for people in Nigeria.

After you do what was said in the last step, you will be taken to a page that looks like the one above.

Upload the cover picture or promotional image of your digital product, type in the name of your product and the price you want to sell it for, and click “Save.”

You can check the “Show striked price” box if you want to offer a discount on your digital goods while showing your customers both the original price and the current selling price.

In the box or room given, write a description of your product or a sales pitch. Just above the display space, Selar gives you different writing and editing tools to help you organize and make your description or sales copy look better.

Next, add the type of digital goods you are selling. If your eBook is about losing weight, the “Health” area makes sense, and so on. You can also choose a subcategory to give more information about the type of digital goods you’re uploading.

The “product variation feature” is the next part. This trait is mostly used for goods that you can touch. If you want to sell iPhones on Selar, you could post pictures of different kinds of iPhones, such as “black iPhones,” “red iPhones,” etc. This is done because different customers like different things about the same goods.

You can mark the “This is a pre-order product” box if your product hasn’t been released yet, but you want to start taking payments. You may have set a launch date in the future, but you may have already started getting payments before the launch date.

Check the “Give buyer access to file” box. If you do this, the goods your customers paid for will be given to them automatically. If you turn this off, customers who have paid for a digital product won’t be able to view it.

How To Upload Digital Products On Selar

Choose “downloadable file” under “file access type” if you want your customers to be able to download the goods straight to their devices. Choose “read online only” instead if you only want them to be able to access the file on Selar.

Drag and drop the file or paper you want to sell on Selar and click “Upload.” The largest file you can send is 750 mb.

Check the last box that says “Automatically redirect buyer..” Do check this box if you want to send people who buy your goods to a squeeze page or buyers list after they’ve done so.

Click “create product” when you are done.

Selar will automatically set up a basic product store for you and give you a store link or ID that you can change or customize at any time. Copy the link to your store and send it to your buyers so they can buy your goods on Selar.

How Do I Withdraw From Selar?

After you sell some of the goods you posted on Selar, the next question on your mind is probably how to get your money into your bank account and get some peace of mind.

There are two main ways to pay or get money out of Selar. There are two types of payment systems: automatic and human. In either case, it takes about 24 hours for payments to show up in your account, depending on when you sold something or asked for a refund.

Selar Automatic Withdrawal

By default, when a new account is made. All new accounts are set up to pay out money automatically. Here, all you have to do is set your payment destination (bank information), and when someone buys your goods, your money will be sent to you automatically the next day (after 24 hours).

With this method, you don’t have to make or ask for withdrawals at all because they happen automatically.

Selar Manual Withdrawals

With the direct withdrawal method, users can make withdrawal requests whenever they want. Please follow the steps below if you want to be able to do this;

Sign in to your dashboard for Selar.

Click the menu button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Click on settings and choose payment settings.

On the new page, click the tab labeled “Payout schedule,” then choose “manual.”

Click on “update payout preferences” to finish.

Now that you have changed this choice, you can make withdrawals whenever you want. Selar costs #50 for each withdrawal, and it takes about 24 hours for each withdrawal to clear in your local bank account.

Frequently Asked Questions on How To Upload Digital Products On Selar

What Is Selar Used For?

Selar is an online digital marketplace where entrepreneurs can upload and host their digital and physical goods. Selar has been praised for being one of the best places to sell ebooks and video classes.

Does Selar Work In Nigeria?

Yes, Selar is officially supported in Nigeria and four other African countries: Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, and South Africa.

Who Owns Selar? was started in 2016 by Douglas Kendyson. As of March 2023, Selar had more than 80,000 registered users all over Africa.

What is Selar used for?

Selar is an affilate marketing platform where you can upload your ebook or course for people to buy and make money, you can also promote others people course or ebook and make money from it.

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